08CMS Info: MySQL Query Error

Time: 2024-7-17 17:55
SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__archives16 a INNER JOIN #__archives_3 c ON c.aid = a.aid WHERE wei = '3' AND chu = '2' AND zxcd = '3' AND cx = '3' AND fwjg = '2' AND CONCAT(',', fwpt, ',') LIKE '%,16,%' AND a.mchid = '1' createdate >= 1721123729 AND a.chid = '3' AND ( (a.zj >= '70' and a.zj <= '80')) AND ( (c.fl >= 2010 AND c.fl < 2013)) AND a.checked = 1 AND (a.enddate = 0 OR a.enddate > '1721210129')
File: Create() called at [/index.php : 63]
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'createdate >= 1721123729 AND a.chid = '3' AND ( (a.zj >= '70' and a.zj <= '80'))' at line 1
Errno.: 1064